Authors Gather for Studs Terkel Memorial

By Jason Boog 

3094731026_1b5a6ee720.jpgAuthors from every genre joined together over the weekend, celebrating the life Studs Terkel. Speakers included Jimmy Breslin, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Victor Navasky, Walter Mosley, and Howard Zinn.

The NY Times covered the event, describing how Terkel began as a young journalist picked by Pantheon Books to write about Americans and how he struggled to maintain his reputation during Senator Joseph McCarthy campaign against Communism.

Author Jeffrey Yamaguchi also attended, snapping the picture above and writing about Terkel’s craft: “[A] similar thread wove through the memories — that if Studs was interviewing you, you came away feeling like you learned something about yourself, your work, or your way of thinking that you didn’t know before, insights that truly resonated and that you felt deeply.”