Android OS Tops Apple in Smartphone Market Last Quarter

By Jason Boog 

aldiko_showcasebox23.jpgEven though the Apple iPhone is the most-covered smartphone platform for digital readership, Android phones are making dramatic advances. The analysts at the NPD Group’s Mobile Phone Track report that the Android operating system topped Apple in the smartphone market during the first quarter of 2010–a rapidly growing pool of possible eBook readership.

This is big news for the Aldiko eBook reader, a digital platform built for Android smartphones. According to the company, the average Aldiko user downloads more than seven books a month. Last year we interviewed co-founder Tiffany Wong.

Here are the suprising results of the smartphone survey: “The Android operating system (OS) continued to shake up the U.S. mobile phone market in the first quarter (Q1) of 2010, moving past Apple for to take the number-two position among smartphone operating systems, according to The NPD Group, a leading market research company. NPD’s wireless market research reveals that based on unit sales to consumers last quarter the Android operating system moved into second position at 28 percent behind RIM’s OS (36 percent) and ahead of Apple’s OS (21 percent).” (Via Mashable)