#Amazonfail Furor Dominates Twitter

By Jason Boog 

trend3.jpgEver since news broke yesterday that Amazon may be excluding books with adult content from bestseller lists and some searches, the Twitter tag #amazonfail has been the center of the Twitter-sphere’s attention–still the top-ranked topic, as that screen shot shows.

Even though one spokesperson told Publishers Weekly one Amazon spokesperson explained that “a glitch had occurred,” writers are still speculating. Jezebel has built a list of books that have been stripped of Amazon sales rankings.

Patrick Nielsen Hayden from Tor Books urged a little patience: “My own guess would be that it has nothing to do with homophobia and everything to do with the fragility of large organizations.”

Information Week writes “Don’t Jump To Conclusions About Amazon Homophobia.”

GalleyCat editor Ron Hogan had a personal take on the matter.