Amazon Readers Criticize NY Post Cartoonist

By Jason Boog 

scuttle.jpgCartoonist Sean Delonas generated hundreds of angry blog posts, emails, phone calls, and speeches this week with his NY Post cartoon about a monkey signing a stimulus bill. The Post has apologized, but Amazon readers are already attacking Delonas’ literary work.

In 2006, Delonas wrote and illustrated Scuttle’s Big Wish, a book about a mouse that turns everything he touches into cheese–a kid-friendly update of the King Midas story. Since the controversy started, a few readers have left angry comments on the Amazon page for the book–berating the cartoonist for the chimp comic and his past work about gay people.

Here’s one customer review from Amazon: “This sad little book was a great disappointment to me and my six-year-old. We opened it expecting gratuitous primate-on-cop violence but all we got was a poorly drawn mouse cartoon with a hackneyed plot and insipid characterization.”