All Tomorrow’s Parties Will Be in India

By Jason Boog 

33868521.jpgAs American publishers tone down publicity budgets, book parties are now booming in New Delhi.

The NY Times reports that literary parties in this Indian city have grown–bringing a crowd of readers, writers, and party animals. The travel piece actually gives readers the phone numbers and websites for the most popular book party venues in the city–allowing globetrotting literati to find the best spots.

Here’s more from the article: “The parties–already frequent–have been buoyed by the novelist Aravind Adiga’s Man Booker Prize for ‘The White Tiger’ in 2008 and the eight Oscars this spring for ‘Slumdog Millionaire,’ which was based on a book by an Indian diplomat. And you needn’t be an industry insider to attend–in fact, it rarely matters if you have an invitation or even if your name is on a list–but it does take a little digging to track down the events.”