A Peek at our Tablet Reading Future

By Jason Boog 

Today the Wonderfactory revealed that look at a digital version of Sports Illustrated they designed for Time, Inc.–a peek at the reading applications that will run on highly anticipated tablet computers.

In a NY Times post today, one writer explored the different tools offered on the application. GalleyCat couldn’t help but think about the vast possibilities these features could offer digital book publishing as well. What do you think?

Here’s an excerpt: “They can get live updates of sports scores from all the teams they follow, or create pages of teams or athletes that pulls live statistics … And there’s a little wheel-shaped toolbar that pops up with any picture, quote or story that allows the reader to print, e-mail, share on Facebook, see related Twitter posts, view comments, get more stories about the topic, save the text or photograph to a favorites file, and other tools.”