Game of Thrones Parodied on The Simpsons

By Maryann Yin 

Last night’s episode of The Simpsons parodied the credits of HBO’s Game of Thrones adaptation. Follow this link to watch the opening sequence.

Here’s more from ZAP2it: “In the intro, all the buildings in Springfield rise like they do in the Game of Thrones intro, complete with the theme music. Springfield as Westeros. Actually, we’d love to see an entire show with that theme. Although Bart and Lisa as Jaime and Cersei … maybe not.”

The “Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart” Simpsons’ episode did not feature a Game of Thrones story line. We’ve embedded the HBO credit sequence below–should the show do a full parody of George R.R. Martin‘s story?

A few weeks ago, the long-running show parodied The Social Network film; writer J. Stewart Burns called it “The D’oh-cial Network.”