53% of Library Users Want ‘A Broader Selection of eBooks’

By Jason Boog 

The Pew Internet & American Life project surveyed library users around the country, getting a picture of what patrons want from their local library.

An overwhelming majority wanted more coordination with local schools and more help for teaching children how to read. Here’s more from the release:

Coordinating more closely with local schools: 85% of Americans ages 16 and older say libraries should “definitely” do this. Offering free literacy programs to help young children: 82% of Americans ages 16 and old say libraries should “definitely do” this. Having more comfortable spaces for reading, working, and relaxing: 59% of Americans ages 16 and old say libraries should “definitely do” this. Offering a broader selection of e-books: 53% of Americans ages 16 and old say libraries should “definitely do” this.