3 Portraits of Writers Featured in ‘The Boomer List’ Exhibit

By Maryann Yin 

NewseumThe old adage goes “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The Newseum is hosting an exhibit called “The Boomer List: Photographs by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders.”

Three of the nineteen portraits in this display feature writers: The Things They Carried author Tim O’Brien, The Joy Luck Club novelist Amy Tan, and The Vagina Monologues playwright Eve Ensler. A closing date for this exhibit has been set for July 05, 2015.

Here’s more about this exhibition: “In addition to the 19 portraits, a timeline of historic events that defined the baby boom generation will be displayed, featuring news magazines from the Newseum collection plus more than 30 iconic artifacts, including news magazines from the Newseum collection plus a copy of Dr. Benjamin Spock’s parental advice book, Baby and Child Care, an original 1959 Barbie doll, a 1964 G.I. Joe action figure, a transistor radio, and a U.S. Army draft card from 1965. The artifacts illustrate the news events and pop culture moments that defined the baby boom generation, from its start in 1946 until 1982, when the last boomers turned 18.”