25 Million Chinese Readers for Online Novels

By Jason Boog 

shandalogo.jpgWith 25 million readers, the Chinese website Shanda Literature handles about 90 percent of that country’s booming online literary readership, earning around $15 million a year for online with three websites that feature online novels.

This company can teach American publishers–they started out free, but now work on a subscription model. Time Magazine studied this fascinating market for new media readers.

Here’s one potential future for digital books: “[Subscribers] can access up to 75% of a book for free and pay only about 0.04 yuan (less than one cent) per 1,000 words for the rest of the book. In other words, it costs about one-tenth of the paperback price to read a book online. Right now, the company takes half of the readers’ payment, and the other half goes into the writers’ pocket.” (Via FiledBy)