Cover Unveiled For New Melissa de la Cruz Book

By Maryann Yin 

Somthing in Between (GalleyCat)

The cover has been unveiled for Melissa de la Cruz’s forthcoming young adult novel, Something In Between. We’ve embedded the full jacket image above—what do you think?

This will be the first publication from Harlequin TEEN’s new Seventeen Fiction imprint. The release date has scheduled for September 27.

Here’s more from Seventeen: “Something In Between tells the story of Jasmine, a teen honor student/cheerleading captain/all-around badass whose world turns upside-down when she learns that her Filipino family is undocumented and may have to leave the country. Suddenly, she might lose everything she’s worked so hard for in the blink of an eye! And it definitely doesn’t help that she falls for the ~very cute~ son of a senator… the same senator who’s working to prevent a bill that would help undocumented immigrants.” (via Melissa de la Cruz’s tumblr page)