Beverly Cleary Themed Walking Guidebook Featured on Kickstarter

By Maryann Yin 

Microcosm Publishing has raised more than $6,000 for Walking with Ramona: Exploring Beverly Cleary’s Portland by Laura O. Foster. We’ve embedded a video about this “walking (or biking) guidebook” above.

Here’s more from the Kickstarter page: “Walking with Ramona unlocks a fascinating chapter of Portland’s history, and introduces you to the sights, sounds, smells, games, and social fabric of mid-century Portland. Like the Ramona books themselves, this tour and the history around it can be enjoyed by all ages and generations.”

Welcome to our Kickstarter Publishing Project of the Week, a feature exploring how authors and publishers are using the fundraising site to raise money for book projects. If you want to start your own project, check out How To Use Kickstarter to Fund Your Publishing Project.