Sports Illustrated Magazine Now Under Ross Levinsohn, Exec with Controversial Past

By Christine Zosche 

The storied magazine Sports Illustrated and its website have a new publisher. The 65-year-old magazine’s editorial content will be controlled by a digital outfit called Maven, in a deal announced Monday. Ross Levinsohn, the controversial former publisher of the Los Angeles Times, has been named CEO. (NPR)

The fabled sports magazine was sold for $110 million last month to licensing company Authentic Brands Group LLC. Meredith would continue to publish the print magazine, manage its website and be responsible for advertising, video and social media. But an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Authentic Brands, TheMaven Inc., said in a securities filing that it had purchased from Authentic Brands the rights to operate the Sports Illustrated brands for at least the next 10 years. (WSJ)
