Rahm Emanuel Becomes Contributing Editor for The Atlantic, ABC News Contributor

By Christine Zosche 

Rahm Emanuel kicked off his post-mayoral career Tuesday by announcing that he is now a contributing editor for The Atlantic. (Chicago Sun-Times)

Emanuel will contribute “frequent essays to The Atlantic’s Ideas section” per a statement from the 162-year-old publication. Emanuel has written 13 articles for The Atlantic dating back to June 2017, including his latest piece, “It’s Time to Hold American Elites Accountable for Their Abuses,” which was published Tuesday. (The Hill)

The former Chicago mayor is also joining ABC News as a contributor. Emanuel took meetings last year with several networks, including MSNBC and CNN, pursuing a potential punditry gig, and had been increasing his national media appearances on cable-news networks. (Daily Beast)


Emanuel will follow the path blazed by former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in joining the network, appearing across ABC News and special events political coverage. (THR)

Emanuel has a long career in Democratic politics. He served as President Obama’s first White House chief of staff and prior to that chaired the House Democratic Caucus and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. He left office as Chicago’s 55th mayor on Monday. (CNN)
