NYT’s Top Editor Says He Wants Newsroom to Tweet Less

By Brad Pareso 

New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet says he wants Times reporters to spend less time on Twitter. Relying too much on Twitter is “especially harmful to our journalism when our feeds become echo chambers,” Baquet said in a letter to staff Thursday. (Axios)

Baquet announced what he called a “reset in our approach,” handing down new guidance dictating that “maintaining a presence on Twitter and social media is now purely optional for Times journalists.” (The Hill)

The Times is also expanding its team of people devoted to protecting its journalists from abuse online (a group it calls the Threat Response Team) and investing further in security training and mental health resources. (Nieman Lab)


The Times editor also went out of his way to warn against “tweets or subtweets that attack, criticize or undermine the work of your colleagues,” adding that management will now “pay close attention to how all Times journalists use social media to ensure it is in line with our social media guidelines.” (The Daily Beast)
