Facebook Won’t Exclude News Publishers from Its Political Ads Policy

By Christine Zosche 

Facebook head of global news partnerships Campbell Brown explained in a blog post that news publishers will not be exempted from the social network’s recently introduced policy on political ads. (Adweek)

Brown said publishers have “welcomed” the company’s approach to including them in their political ads policy. Mark Thompson, CEO of The New York Times, said Thursday he’d love to meet even one publisher who is happy with Facebook’s new policy. (Adweek)

In criticizing Facebook, Thompson showed two advertisements the Times had recently purchased on the platform. Both had been flagged as political. One ad promoted a news article about President Trump’s summit with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader. By calling it political content, Thompson said, Facebook was blurring the line between reporting on politics and politics itself. The other ad was a promotion for the Times’s NYT Cooking site, with manicured image of a pistachio rose water cake. There was no indication why that had been labeled political content by the algorithm. (NYT)

