Clinton Declines Fox News Debate Invitation

By Christine Zosche 

Not for lack of trying, it seems there won’t be a Democratic presidential debate on Fox News Channel this election. The network’s last effort to bring Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton together for a prime-time debate ahead of the California primary collapsed with Clinton’s decision not to participate. (TVNewser)

Sanders had been demanding one more debate with Clinton before the primaries are over, but given Clinton’s all-but-assured victory in the Democratic race, there were few benefits to her agreeing. Fox News vp and Washington managing editor Bill Sammon said in a statement: “Naturally, Fox News is disappointed that Secretary Clinton has declined our debate invitation, especially given that the race is still contested and she had previously agreed to a final debate before the California primary.” (Mediaite)

Sanders had accepted Fox News’ offer last week, but a spokeswoman for Clinton said that “we believe that Hillary Clinton’s time is best spent campaigning and meeting directly with voters across California and preparing for a general election campaign that will ensure the White House remains in Democratic hands.” Sanders said that he was “disappointed but not surprised by Secretary Clinton’s unwillingness to debate before the largest and most important primary in the presidential nominating process.” (Variety)

