Amazon to Air Its First Super Bowl Ad, Starring Alec Baldwin And Dan Marino

By Christine Zosche 

Amazon will air its first-ever Super Bowl ad on Feb. 7, and it has recruited Alec Baldwin for his first Super Bowl campaign since Hulu in 2009. (Adweek)

Leo Burnett Toronto unveiled a teaser for Amazon’s Super Bowl spot. The teaser opens with Baldwin and Marino talking Super Bowl party game plan in front of the fireplace. “Alright, let’s hear it,” Baldwin says, with Marino offering up “cheerleaders” as an idea. (AgencySpy)

Baldwin and Marino consult the Amazon Echo (which can control lights and play music too) for party planning input—specifically, “What is a snack stadium?” (Apparently, it’s a football stadium built entirely out of snacks. We’re game.) (Billboard)

