We’re on the Hunt for a New Contributing Editor

By Kiran Aditham 

Now that yours truly has slowly adjusted to filling Matt Van Hoven’s sizable shoes (or still adjusting judging by some of the feedback over the past week), AgencySpy is on the hunt for a new co-conspirator/blogger/contributing editor to join us and kick off the next chapter of the site and post items on a daily basis (having thick skin wouldn’t hurt, either).

Since we wouldn’t mind if you came to work in the office every once in a while and attended our blogger luncheons, a New York-based scribe is preferred. Though the interview process has already begun, we’ve made things official by posting the notice on the mediabistro.com job board. You can apply here directly or send resumes, samples and whatever else might help your cause to kiran [at] mediabistro dot com. Cheers.

