Weekend Update: Betsy Sperry Is Out At Grey West?

By SuperSpy 

Addendum: We just spoke to Grey. Brad is in charge. Hold onto your hats Grey SF!

Over the weekend, we received reports that Grey West in San Francisco has lost Betsy Sperry as Managing Director. Brad Fogel is rumored to now be in charge.


Emails to Sperry’s email address bounced back to Agency Spy. We’ve contacted Grey, but until Monday, we will not be able to get confirmation from their end. We also don’t know if she has been moved to another sector of the Grey empire or has simply moved on.

Twenty-three years ago, Sperry began her career as a secretary at a small agency and literally, worked her way to the top of this business. Before coming to Grey, Sperry had spent some time at technology shop Anderson & Lembke where she was also managing director. The shop was bought by McCann in 1999. From there, she jumped ship to Halloran Robertson & Associates as EVP and managing director. In 2001, she was off and running again at Beyond Interactive where she was general manager. By 2003, she has the top job at Grey SF and with the dawn of 2006, Grey L.A. was moved beneath her auspice, as well.

In a recent interview, Sperry was asked how she got to the top of the agency heap. Her response:

“The two guys before me quit. (Well, it’s true.)
Also, I think it’s because I refuse to give up. When things get difficult, I tend to turn into the fight rather than run the other way. I’m an optimist. And, I’m very comfortable with the responsibility of having the buck stop with me.”

In the mean time, will this move help right the troubled agency? Don’t get it mixed up. Grey SF does have some talent in its office from art directors to account managers. Perhaps, a shake up like this is just what the agency needs. Stay tuned for more details Monday AM.

More: Grey New York Wins Some Get
