Vitro’s Newcastle Campaign: Shadow Art, Schooners and Felony Larceny

By Kiran Aditham 

San Diego-based, MDC-owned shop Vitro has veered from dark TV spots to outdoor to promote Newcastle Brown Ale, beginning with a 256 square-foot installation in downtown SD that’s made of 3,000 Brown Ale bottle caps and was created by two Brooklyn “shadow artists.” The making of is above and the end result is below.


Along with the “shadow sculpture,” Vitro is behind other installations throughout San Diego including a “Trapped in a Schooner” piece at Del Mar Race Track and perhaps more interestingly, life-like figures at various bars around San Diego that were made to look like they were stealing kegs of Newcastle. Here’s where the campaign gets slightly intriguing. While the mannequins apparently did their job of fooling bar patrons, they also enticed thieves, who wound up stealing one of the life-like pieces that was bolted to a wall. Well, the SoCal media took notice of the theft (below), and no, there hasn’t been a ransom note produced as of yet.

