Tuesday Odds & Ends

By Matt Van Hoven 

Today at the TVNewser Summit there was a lot of conversation about the value of online video, the effectiveness of pre-roll and some other general advertising subjects. The answers were correct &#151 about 6 months ago. It’s pretty clear that newsmakers are still behind you all in this race for Web dominance. They might not have a lot of money but you should definitely think about connecting with the major news networks and help them get it right. Here’s your news.

&#151 Bernie Madoff is expected to plead guilty to 11 counts of being the scum of the earth. He faces 150 years in prison &#151 not long enough. link

&#151 Yay the stock market was not a whore today! link


&#151 Apparently when times are tough, campaigns get all cheerleadery. link

&#151 Jim Cramer just wants everyone to know that Jon Stewart hosts a variety show and that is all. Wait, so when he hits himself in the head with a baby hammer, that’s like, him doing research right there in front of us, right? link

&#151 Here’s some other media tidbits from the Mediabistro family. link

&#151 Here’s why you should want newspapers to survive. link

&#151 AdAgee has some things to say about display ads. Riveting. link

&#151 Arnold cut jobs and salaries. link

&#151 YouTube in the UK is blacking out users who use Copyrighted songs in their videos. link

&#151 VIrgin wants to bring the glory back to air travel. Our tagline: Air Travel Born Again. Virgin. link
