Tools of the Trade: Karen Janssen of Portal A

By Kyle O'Brien 

Tools of the Trade is an AgencySpy feature to help highlight the many tools that help make advertising and marketing folks successful. The tools can be anything that helps people perform at their top form, from a favorite drafting table to the best software program to a lucky pen, a vintage typewriter or a pair of headphones.

Next up is Karen Janssen, senior creative strategist at branded content agency Portal A.

Karen Janssen poses with her laptop, which is opened to the YouTube Trending page.


What is one tool you use all the time at work, and how does it inspire your work?

One tool I use all the time at work is the YouTube Trending page. I treat it like the daily news, and I’ve made it a part of my routine to check every other day if not every day. My favorite part is using the Location toggle. I’ll check what’s trending in both the U.S. and South Korea to get a sense of what people are watching at that given moment in time on YouTube. I grew up in both countries so I’m always curious about what people are watching or what kind of content is being prioritized by the platform in either country. As a creative strategist, it’s important for me to stay on top of digital trends since everything comes and goes so quickly, and keeping up with the YouTube Trending page is one way I like to stay up to date. But as for the location switch, there’s a lot of crossover with content being created in South Korea and the U.S. (especially YouTube trends), and I’m always inspired by content I see in both countries. Inspiration is everywhere.

Why is it your favorite?

The YouTube Trending page is one of my favorite tools because it’s like creative fuel for the subconscious, especially since we produce a lot of work on the platform at Portal A. Over time, you start to pick up on patterns from video titles, thumbnails, creative formats, etc. It’s a window into what people are interested in or consuming in the digital world. YouTube has over two billion monthly active users worldwide. That’s one-fourth of the world population, which is a wild thought.

How did you acquire your tool or hear about it for the first time?

The power of the YouTube Trending page was shown to me by my mentor when I first started working at Portal A over five years ago. They suggested making it a habit to check out since I was doing more work on the platform and this would be a great way to train my brain to pick up on patterns. Also, it’s been cool to see how the page has transformed over time. I love that you can now view trending videos based on different categories such as music, movies and gaming.

How does it help you be successful?

The YouTube Trending page has helped build my intuition as a creative strategist, which has become incredibly useful in things like creative brainstorms, launch planning and optimizing SEO for campaigns.

Does it have sentimental value?

Weirdly, yes. I couldn’t imagine being a creative strategist without it.

Do you think your tool could go TikTok viral? Why or why not?

I’m laughing to myself thinking about how to share this information on TikTok. I think at the very least, if anyone has a curiosity about another culture or is seeking creative inspiration in the digital space, play around with the Location toggle on YouTube to see what’s captivating viewers in other parts of the world on the Trending page. Maybe you’ll come across something that inspires or entertains you. With closed captioning becoming more and more prevalent, content is becoming more accessible than ever on a global scale. As Bong Joon-ho famously said, “Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.” In this case, so many more amazing YouTube videos.

We want to know what tools you use to make you successful. If you’d like to contribute or know someone who would want to be featured in Tools of the Trade, contact and fill out our survey.
