Today on the Menu: Yes Men Stunts the US Chamber of Commerce, Times to Lay Off 100

By Matt Van Hoven 

Guests on the Menu today include TVNewser editor Kevin Allocca and FishbowlNY editor Amanda Ernst, who came on to discuss the layoff news coming out of the Times yesterday and a public relations fiasco caused by stunt-pulling activist group, The Yes Men.

Ernst says that layoffs at the Times, which has the country’s largest newsroom at just over 1,250 (that’s just the newsroom), are indicative of continued advertising slumps. This ties tightly with news yesterday that Gannett, owner of some 80 daily papers, has seen a 53% ad sales slump.

News of the Yes Men’s stunt at the National Press Club yesterday was all about the hoax press event that took place. A press release stating that the US Chamber of Commerce had reversed its position regarding climate change, and subsequent press conference (with journalists present), were fake &#151 perpetrated by the Yes Men, an organization that gets its various messages across through hoaxes like this one.


See a video of the hoax being interrupted by the US Chamber of Commerce communications director, here.

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