Today on the Menu: Shani Petroff Bedevils Young Readers

By Kiran Aditham 

With Matt out somewhere in cheese country, GalleyCat’s Jason Boog found a reliable replacement in PRNewser editor Joe Ciarallo, who filled in as co-host of this morning’s Menu.


The subject on this sunny Friday was NYC-based author Shani Petroff, the woman behind young adult series Bedeviled, which begs the question what if you’re a teen and your father was the devil? Not to be confused with that awful Elizabeth Hurley vehicle Bedazzled, Bedeviled aims its stake at the 8-12 audience that’s not quite ready for the brooding, preening ponces of Twilight.

The co-hosts and Petroff also discussed the publishing industry, Twitter’s $100 million fundraising blitz and mobile phone app experiments at Men’s Health.
