Today on the Menu: Email Killed the You

By Matt Van Hoven 

Our guest today on the Menu is John Freeman, the editor of Granta Magazine and author of “The Tyranny of Email” &#151 a book about the tyranny of email. Go figs.


So what exactly is the tyranny of email? You know it well: what’s the first thing you do in the morning? Freeman asserts that most of us check email. We spend more time sending and receiving blurby messages than we do with our spouses. What’s worse is the level of communication is so basic that confusing the meaning of a message is all too easy.

Anecdote: I used to own a Blackberry but chose to change back to my “clam-shell” after I caught myself emailing at the dinner table. The recipient of said email was sitting across from me at the time. What’s your worst email habit?


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