Thursday Morning Stir

By Erik Oster 

-Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi launched a new campaign promoting the Toyota Aygo (video above).

-Subway named former Coca-Cola CMO Joe Tripodi as its new global chief marketing officer.

-Unilever appointed Aline Santos as its new senior vice president, global marketing.


-South Park once again parodied advertising, taking on branded content and targeted ads in “Truth and Advertising.”

-Digiday explains “Why Yahoo’s video strategy faltered.”

-Adweek explores “How Kit and Ace Uses Local Designers to Make Its Stores Into Destination Spaces.”

-Campaign global editor-in-chief Claire Beale claims “Passion and purpose beat big pay rises to keep talent.”

-Saatchi & Saatchi London launched a new unit called Buy, intended to boost sales for clients.
