The Jersey Shore‘s No Place for Domino’s

By Kiran Aditham 

Having already met with opposition from Italian-American group UNICO even before it aired, MTV’s spray-tanned, gelled-up, douchebag-ridden reality spectacle Jersey Shore has now lost a major sponsor in Domino’s. The pizza chain has ordered its media buyers to pull all ads from the show, releasing a statement saying: “The content of this particular program is not right for Domino’s Pizza.” MTV then came back with its own statement: “‘Jersey Shore’ may not be for every sponsor or advertiser and we understand that.”

To Domino’s credit, though, the chain didn’t buy ads to run specifically during Jersey Shore, but rather had a standing rotation of spots to run across the channel according to Domino’s VP of communications Tim McIntyre tells the site, “One of the ads happened to show up and once we saw what the program was, we decided that the content wasn’t in keeping with what we’re all about.”


We’re sure we can think of at least a dozen other brands to take its place.

Update: TMZ now reports that American Family Insurance has pulled its ads from the show.


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