Rescue Team Distracted by Bud Light in Latest DDB Effort

By Michael Musco 

The allure of a cold Bud Light is just too strong for the rescue squad in this new spot for the brew brand from DDB Chicago. Though you’re wondering what’s going on during the first few seconds, as soon as you see the guy holding the sixer of Bud, you know where the rest of this rather predictable advert is heading (though the ending is amusing).

This is just my opinion and feel free to jump on me all you want, but my favorite spot for the BL brand this year (so far) is the Super Bowl ad featuring the house made of Bud Light. The line that always gets me is, “There’s Bud Light in the fridge made of Bud Light.” Still, this next phase in the ‘Sure sign of a good time’ campaign, though, might finally signify the need for DDB to come up with a new idea.


More: “Drinking Miller Lite Apparently Makes You More of a Man
