Question: Where Have All the Pitches Gone?

By Matt Van Hoven 

A reader asked us to help get this question answered &#151 and who better to ask than you? No one, I say. Here goes.



“In a bad economy, I would assume more business would be shifting hands either from consolidation, cost cutting, CMOs under pressure, etc. However, I haven’t really been hearing of many big pitches nationally or on the west coast recently (neither have we &#151 though we have heard tidbits that pitches are happening below radar). I’m trying to find actual evidence that this is true…have you felt the same way recently?”

The reader went on to say that his/her agency has more than enough small scale leads/projects that could become bigger business, but there haven’t been any large scale, national, competitive pitches &#151 and there haven’t been many in the trades, either.


“In a nutshell, there seems to be less major pitches on the west coast, but I’m trying to figure out a way to quantify that or compare it to last year or two years ago. Or have someone tell me I’m wrong and just have my head in the sand. This is all just surprising to me, since in a bad economy, the new business department should be at their busiest.”

OK pros, do your thing. And it would be helpful if you could give some clue about what you do. Are you a planner, creative, CEO &#151 mail room girl? We’re not going to track you down, and of course there’s no way we could anyway, but perspective is important to understanding your points of view.

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