Plans On The Big Day. Inauguration Day That Is.

By SuperSpy 

It’s almost the BIG day. It’s almost inauguration time, baby. Hmm… if you’re at work, how will you catch history in the making? At the minimum, you’ll be watching it on your computer or iPhone via some live feed. However, agencies from big to boutique have got some plans for their crus:

Ogilvy has let staffers know that they will be broadcasting the inauguration live in their three locations throughout the office, so no matter where you are, employees can catch a glimpse of whatever the hell Michelle Obama is going to be rocking. BBDO has a similar thing going on with food and whatnot.


Zig in Chicago will be playing it over their big flatscreen TVs and is planning on ordering in for the entire staff. The agency’s Katrina Limbaugh told AS that: “We tossed around the idea of ordering something special for lunch, and someone suggested a mix of foods representative of Obama’s background. But that could get really complicated. Let’s see, mom was from Kansas, dad was from Kenya, born in Hawaii, lived in Indonesia, Los Angeles, New York, Boston and Chicago… hmmm. But we’re working on it. If it stays as ludicrously freezing as it’s been lately, I think we’ll end up going with whatever we can get delivered. And beer, of course.”

It’s worth watching President-elect Obama be sworn into office on Tuesday. If your agency isn’t doing shit, make ’em. It’s your civic duty.

More: From The Mind Of An Ad Exec: Barack Obama’s Special Coffee Blend

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