Nina DiSesa Hates You, Me And Everyone Who Likes Blogs

By SuperSpy 

[Via Gawker]
Update: Nina has a blog and it takes anonymous comments! Ah-ha!

Nina DiSesa, in case you didn’t know, is a honcho over at McCann. In this video, she talks about people putting their opinions out their anonymously on the web and makes the “what about the children” kinda pitch. She damn will knows that anonymous bloggers in her industry are doing it because they may get fired, lose clients, etc. Read our post “The Spy Who Loved You” where a few anonymous bloggers in our industry sound off on their reasons for remaining behind the curtain in the comments section.


Nina has had a great career in advertising. She worked her way up to the big corner office at McCann and whether or not you think the agency churns out mediocre work and wastes talented employees, that’s a hard thing to do. We respect her for that, but the rest of this…? She wrote her book, “Seducing The Boys Club,” after being at the top. And all those men she calls “dogs” in the book? Yeah, well most of them are retired. She’s safe as can be. She’s the boss. Ain’t no one gonna take away this lady’s bread and butter for spreading her opinion about folks and their work behavior in print and all while making money off it.

As we said before… Anonymity allows for tipsters and commenters to be upfront with us allowing for an honest, if pointed, look at the industry and its executives, office politics, campaign wins, finances, hires, ethos, green policies and everything else under the sun. This blog attempts to pull back the curtain on the inner workings of a business that has spent a whole lot of time in the closet. We don’t post about people’s affairs, the kids they lost in the divorce, the bankrupt CD with the gambling problem. Believe us. We could. Tips come in all the time. We care about the inner workings of the business. And that’s that. Besides, Jonah Bloom makes an excellent point – all this is just a horrible distraction:

“In the weeks and months that follow, Mr. Tilley’s death might reasonably prompt us and others in the industry to ask questions about the nature of the marketing world today and the pressure felt by its executives. Me, I don’t believe in all that coddling stuff, but I know lots of other people do and will want to debate it.

Still, I hope we can do that in a way that is constructive; that remembers that Paul Tilley is not a cartoon, but a man who leaves behind family; and that shows we understand there’s life beyond the narrow confines of the ad world. “

Word. Now go help make St. Patrick’s Day an official holiday. Cheers to Guinness and Red Urban for dreaming this one up!
