Monday Odds and Ends

By Erik Oster 

-Chicago director and Digitas VP Sam Ciaramitaro created the short documentary “Take Me OUT to the Ballgame” celebrating the Chicago White Sox LGBT night in partnership with Equality Illinois (video above).

-DigitasLBi and Rubicon Project have announced a first to market premium programmatic agreement.


-CCO Keith Ciampa is no longer with San Francisco-based integrated brand experience agency Cibo.

-Dallas/Portland agency Sq1 will be digital agency of record for the 28th Annual Bridge School Benefit Concert, an event founded by Neil Young and featuring performances by Young, Brian Wilson and Pearl Jam.

– Full-service agency MUH-TAY-ZIK | HOF-FER recently named and helped launch CounterPAC, “an organization aimed to stop the influx of dark money used in politics by pressuring political candidates to sign a pledge to fully reject untraceable dark money donated to their campaigns.”

-Full-service brand response agency Hawthorne Direct has named Kurt Werderman as media strategist and analyst.

-The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced today the formation of nonprofit research and development consortium IAB Technical Laboratories.

-Art Directors Club and Gertrude, Inc. to host Magik Macaroni, “a dynamic showcase of global creative innovation in advertising and design” on October 16th in Chicago.
