Meteorite/RSA Films Bring a Tough Issue Home

By Matt Van Hoven 

This piece from Meteorite and RSA Films, London was produced for Christian relief, development and advocacy np (that’s non-profit) World Vision UK. It debuted this morning on YouTube, and frankly it’s just the kind of kick in the teeth a lot of us need when it comes to realizing how shitty it must be to deal with simple (yet complicated) problems like dirty water.

Holly Bocock Maxwell
of Meteorite tells us, on the subject of providing low cost work for nps, that going viral is a good way to effect change. This spot is aptly named, “Dirty Water.”

“We’ve worked out that the best way to (get the point across) is to hold up a mirror to Western life &#151 either using humour (she’s English) or shock to spread the word of mouth.”


That said, this isn’t Meteorite’s first stab at making a difference. Click here if you feel like helping a good cause.

Thanks to RSA’s Damiano Vukotic for helping me put the pieces together. Learn more here.
