Men v Women and “Wanna Grab a Drink” Thinking

By Matt Van Hoven 

A spy named Nick sent us the ad you see above (as well as the two accompanying it after the jump). It made us chuckle, which was needed after President Obama’s very sobering speech that just ended. We’ll be following this ad’s guidelines by 6:07 pm tonight, though the brew of choice will likely include the words “stout”, “rye” or 40% “alcohol by volume” &#151 whichever comes first.

The copy reads, “Thank God You’re A Man” and these ads hung in urinals. We have no idea what kind of beer this is.


For reals: why do *some* people (ladies in the case above) have such trouble leaving the house in a slobbenly state when the end goal is to get slobbenly drunk? C’mon, you’re just going to spill your cosmo on those white pumps anyway!

More: “What Would You Ask Martin Sorrell? Yeah. You.
