MaybeNipples: Another Sex Banner From American Apparel

By Matt Van Hoven 

Today in “is that a nipple?” we’ve got an entry from American Apparel. This banner, which can be found at textsfromlastnight dot com (what, like you don’t need a laugh now and then?), shows a number of ladies, the toprightmostofwhich appears to be wearing a dress that tries in vain to cover her nipples. Oh but wait, it’s just a boob-fold-shadow.

What, I had to look. And this, ladies and gents, is how American Apparel does its thang. Who was the guy that said sex should only be used in advertising when no other idea can be wrung from the product? Whatevs, undersexed Web nerds everywhere are clicking this thing and probably buying purpley slut-v-necks. You know, the ones that go to your belly button.


p.s. this ad has been around for awhile.

American Apparel Uses (GASP!) Nudity to Sell Clothing
