What the Hell Is ‘Contentvertising’? Check Out This Content Marketing Dictionary

By Contently


If you’ve attended a content marketing conference this fall, you might have felt like you’d entered a foreign country with its own, strange language—”amplify” and “engage” the common greeting; “KPI” the local currency.

Indeed, whenever a trend overtakes an industry the way content has overtaken marketing, it inevitably ushers in a whole new lingo. This Content Newspeak has the potential to be so dizzying that marketers could suddenly find themselves stumbling back to the dark land of display ads. And no one wants that, especially not us here at Contently. We are a content marketing company, after all.


Check out the “Contently Content Marketing Dictionary”

To help you navigate this overwhelming new terminology, we created the “Contently Content Marketing Dictionary,” filled with all the terms you need to know—and none of the ones you don’t.

In content marketing land, the birth rate for new terms is quite high, so we’ll be updating this consistently on our blog, the Content Strategist. But you should download the first edition of the dictionary below. C’mon, you know you want to see what the hell “contentvertising” means:
Download the “Contently Content Marketing Dictionary”
