Martin Williams Levels Up for Mall of America

By Erik Oster 

Minneapolis-based agency Martin Williams just unveiled its spring campaign for Mall of America, entitled “Level Up.”

For the spring campaign, the agency created two 30-second spots which attempt to entice viewers to “Level Up” at the Mall of America: whether that means adding to a record collection, taking their spring wardrobe to the next level or dining out at one of the Mall of America’s restaurants. Both ads go for a kind of simple elegance, relying on stylized font, examples of items found at the mall and a soundtrack composed for the campaign by Minneapolis-based music and sound production studio Egg.


The ads will begin broadcasting regionally today, with radio spots, which add voiceover intended “to excite fashionistas for the season ahead” to the audio track from the broadcast spots, set to support the effort beginning on March 2nd.
