Louis Vuitton Will Not Have Hyundai Besmirch its Image

By Kiran Aditham 

All it took was one second for Louis Vuitton to get its gold-encrusted knickers in a bunch. The chichi brand is suing Hyundai for feigning the high life in a Super Bowl ad promoting the 2011 Sonata. As you can barely see in the spot below, a basketball features what looks like LV’s geometric logos. Because of that, the brand has filed suit in a U.S. Southern District Court in Manhattan because “the unauthorized imitation both dilutes the distinctiveness of Louis Vuitton’s image and linked the auto maker with the luxury good maker.” Oh, how dare these peons do such a thing?

Louis Vuitton believes that it’s not only entitled to the profits from the commercial, but the company is requesting damages and legal fees and wants Hyundai to send all copies of the spot for destruction. Who knew French fashion houses had no sense of humor?


Via Consumerist

More: “The Dude Won’t Be Voicing Hyundai Spots on Oscar Night
