Londoners Yammer About Twitter, And So Do We

By Matt Van Hoven 

If what’s being said in this video irks/frustrates/annoys you even in the slightest way, you’re probably a Twitter user. BrandRepublic interviewed a number of Londoners recently, asking them if they had heard of Twitter and whether or not they do/would use it. The answers demonstrate that the tool has yet to breach major portions of the population who already use other social networking tools but can’t yet grasp its potential power. So, is Twitter a tool best suited for hyper-communicators and are we all becoming overly-communicative beings?

At a recent social gathering of friends who happen to work in media, I did an informal survey of who used Twitter. Only one person did, and she (like me) works in the new media end of things. I asked if her friends use the tool. “No,” she said. “I’m the only person I know among my friends that uses it. But everyone at work does.”


I can say the same for my coworkers here at Medisbistro. Each blog, for the most part, has its own feed as do the editors, freelance writers et cetera. For many of us, Twitter has not yet seeped as far into our personal lives as it has our work lives.

Increasingly, my Tweets and those of the people I follow are refocusing on content. I try to stay away from @SoAndSo conversations and stick to posting various quotes, quips and links to valuable content. And though value is subjective, I presume some of AgencySpy’s followers click through and either laugh or nod or raise their eyebrows. Surely, still others regret wasting those 7 seconds.

The interesting thing about any branded Twitter account (ie AdAge, Adrants, socialmedium) is that it gives the reader an opportunity to connect with the brands they already know and love. It’s a step between reading AdAge and sitting down with Jonah Bloom for a beer (we’re still waiting for you to take us up on that, btw). Well, maybe AdAge is a bad example because they strictly post links to content. We do that too, but throw in the odd link to an Alan Wolk or Brian Morrissey or Dean Crutchfield piece. You know, for flavor.

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