JetBlue Blooper Redefines ‘Happy Jetting’

By Kiran Aditham 

Sure, they’ve done some good for consumers lately but that doesn’t mean JetBlue isn’t above goofing on–especially after this little blunder. From the image above, it appears the airline was having more than technical difficulties as they couldn’t even post their own number properly, spelling out 1-800-JETBLUE as 538-2563 instead 538-2583. Instead of reaching the usual customer service, you’re greeted with a service of a different kind who wants to connect you to their “wild and hot friends.”

Considering the amount of contextual screw-ups we’ve seen just over the last year, this online flub isn’t so egregious, but it’s still a hoot when big brands provide “whoops” moments like this.


Via Consumerist

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