It’s Time for Another Installment of: Which Crappy (Austin) Agency is This?

By Matt Van Hoven 

OK people here’s the deal. A good friend of ours sent us this pic and made us try to guess from inside which agency the image was taken. In this case, we think it’s pretty much a gimme, but who knows. Maybe some of you are colorblind. If so, the color on the walls is pukishly yellow/green.

If you’re not colorblind, disregard that description. We’ve made a little poll below, which contains some choices to…choose from. Vote away &#151 and then click continued to see the answer.


Also, should you manage to snag an image from another shop and decide to send it to us, we’ll play this little game again. Isn’t it fun taking BDAs down a peg?

Which Crappy (Austin) Agency is Pictured Above?
( surveys)

If you guessed GSD&M Idea City, you were close. But Wrong. The correct answer is Enfatico. Notice the yellowish hue, mixed with vomitous green. The puke color was the giveaway (although we hear GSD&M has poop colored walls). Thanks for playing, and don’t forget to send us your pics at agencyspy at mediabistro dot com.
