Irony-Laden Prop 8 Logo Case Comes to a Close

By Matt Van Hoven 

The fight over the Prop 8 (aka “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”) has gotten pretty heated of late, the latest tête-à-tête was a lawsuit filed by Prop 8 supporters (aka YesOn8) over a logo used by the Courage Campaign (Prop 8’s opposition). The logos, shown above, are strikingly similar &#151 YesOn8 made theirs first and used it in materials supporting their cause. The CourageCampaign created their parody logo soon after, as part of a Web site that is tracking the ongoing trial.

YesOn8’s legal team filed suit against CourageCampaign, which essentially kept their logo the same as YesOn8’s, but changed the male figure into a female. CourageCampaign called their logo parody, which is protected under the first amendment. They eventually won, and in legal filings noted the irony of YesOn8’s case: the pro-marriage legal team had earlier stated that a logo of a family made up of a man, a woman, and two children is “substantially indistinguishable” from a logo of a family made up of two women and two children. Indeed it is.


More:Google Ad Words And Prop 8 ‘Scandal’? Give Me A Break.
