Gary Neel Has No Comment on Winning the XM Account

By Matt Van Hoven 

We reported late last night on a rumor we’d heard that indicated McCann Erickson Detroit recently won the XM account &#151 as in like, yesterday or something. We can’t be sure about the timing, but the tip was clear on the win.

Being the honorable journalists we are, we contacted McCann Erickson Detroit, in hopes of reaching out to CEO Gary Neel, who was apparently the only person capable of answering our question: Did McCann win the XM account?


Recall: XM went up for review with incumbent Campbell Ewald hoping to bring the client back home. We reported that info back in early September.

Neel refrained from making comment. But wtf man? Couldn’t you like, give us a sign. Fix your tie, or something!

More: “Exclusive: GM/OnStar to Campbell Ewald; XM in Review (Our Spy Says They Already Lost)
