Fill in the Blank: We’re Going to _____ All Over Your Face

By Matt Van Hoven 

Can you guess which word goes into that blank? Get your minds out of genital-land, because the correct response is “party.”

Tomorrow at Bubble Lounge here in New York City, beginning at 6:30 pm, Kiran Aditham and I will be imbibing together.


So, space is filling semi-quickly, which means you can RSVP without much trouble. Some kind of drink special is going on, and there will be fingery foods. Come catch Kiran and myself trying to sound like we know what we’re talking about, and maybe meet your future wife/husband/ex-wife/ex-husband. Click here for details.

That reminds me: the last time we did this a few people ended up at the strip club, some of whom legit puked on the dance stage (we’re told). Let’s try and outdo that, eh?
