Everyone Loves iAds, Especially Stock Holders Who Work in Advertising

By Matt Van Hoven 

The Barbarian Group’s COO Rick Webb told BoardsMag why he likes Apple’s iAd platform (for the iphone/ipad). Basically, it’s good for developers and advertisers will now get to play in Apple’s yard &#151 something they’ve you’ve been waiting for since TBWA won the Mac V PC campaign.

A few quotes before we send you to the site (also keep in mind that Webb owns Apple stock):

-“Apple has essentially added a concrete means by which app developers can deliver their apps for free and still draw some revenue.”


-“it’s going to be kind of hilarious watching Apple turn into the sort of company that works directly with advertisers, and &#151 gasp! &#151 services them.”

What’s this all mean? Click here for the full piece. It opens up a whole world of possibilities that won’t mean anything until Apple turns the results into data that can be broken down by the number crunchers. So basically, it’s going to be awhile before we know anything about iAd.

More:Which Ad is Better: iPad v. Slate
