Dogfish Imagines Frightening World of Robot-Brewed Beer

By Kiran Aditham 

Though it debuted a few weeks back at a short film contest in Austin called Off-Centered Film Fest, this lengthy Dogfish beer promo featuring singer/songwriter/bearded bard Will Oldham chatting it up with a beer-making robot deserves a mention. The robot is played by Dogfish Head founder Sam Calagione, who explains that the film depicts “a terrifying dystopian world where the international, robotic, brewing conglomerates successfully automated flavor and humans out of brewing process and reduced beer to a generic commodity.”

Oldham, aka Bonnie “Prince” Billy, meanwhile plays interviewer Jonathan Smart, who goes on a tour with the robot through the automated beer plant to discuss how it’s sapped soul out of the beer-making process and turned bottles colorless and generic. Somehow, a commercial eventually emerges from the wacky otherworld to show how Dogfish gets things done. Trust us, you can find worse things to do for 11 minutes than watch this.


via The Awl and Pitchfork

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