Does Donny Deutsch Wear a Rug?

By Matt Van Hoven 

Our good friend and PRNewser editor Jason Chupick raised a profound question today. During one of our chats he pondered, “Does Donny Deutsch wear a rug?”

We admit that the thought hadn’t crossed our mind until that moment. However, further investigation revealed some interesting results. We’ll let you decide &#151 click continued for more photos, and be sure to vote!


DD’s Hair: Rug/Drug/Plug or the Real Deal?
( polls)

Suntan lotion you’ll never use: $7; Speedo you’ll wear once: $25; This photo loose on the web: fucking priceless

“Hey, I’m a Deutsch”

Not like the first time we heard the Beatles.

“My bologna has a first name, it’s d-o-n-n-y”
