Canned? Creative? Come to Wrath of Cannes

By Matt Van Hoven 

It’s nearly Wrath of Cannes time and in honor of the annual “Ef off, the real Cannes” (read: con) ad festival held here in New York, we’re teaming up with Woods, Witt Dealy & Sons to kick Cannes right in the balls. Or vagina. Whichever.

Oh, this means we’re “sponsors” which is really just so say we’re going to be there to watch the mayhem. Yeah yeah France is great, but what have the French done for anyone lately?


This year it’s all about getting Canned. So if you’re out of work or just too lazy to get a job or maybe you have a gig and you want to enter some work, it couldn’t be easier. Click here. It’s free, pretty much all work is accepted &#151 anyone who dresses like their favorite ad celeb might get special consideration from me (oh yeah, I’m judging, too). Dunno, depends on how I feel.

Wrath of Cannes makes me happy, and here’s why. Cool people will come together to look at some cool work and drink some cool bev-raj-es. What could be better? It’s all going down June 25th, 7-10 pm. East River Bar. Because those who can go to the Riviera and those that can’t go to the East River. Whatever &#151 Wrath will be better for the environment and a hell of a lot more fun. Unless you consider costing your agency a shit-ton of money to live lavishly for a week “fun” &#151 while the lay-people sit in their cubes brooding about how much they hate you and watching the clock tick down until they can head out, to Wrath. Just sayin.

So if you’re around stop by. I for one would love to fist bump you guys. Hopefully no one will punch me in the face. More to come.

More: “Return Of The Wrath Of Cannes…
