Amalgamated Blows

By SuperSpy 

Not sure what the hell is going here, but indie agency Amalgamated has a new site in which they offer videos on how to play a jug. The search function doesn’t work. The username and password slots are for show. The only thing you can do is watch a wandering, tedious video that talks about the name of the site. You can click on some YouTube videos of jug players and roll over images to make sounds. What is the point of all this? No idea.

Lots of people have beef with Amalgamated because their revenue stream and client list is far from transparent. I love that stuff, but um, after watching this? Yup. Amalgamated blows.


Update: Got a lovely note just now, current Amalgamated clients supposedly include Ben & Jerry’s, Mike’s Hard Lemonade Qdoba, Cartoon Network and some pharmaceutical company.

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